Saturday, January 16, 2010

Guntur Sannam chilies is seeking for GI tag

Now the Guntur Sannam (The word Sannam in Telugu means thin or long) chili is also seeking protection under Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999. Application has been made by Spices Board, Ministry of Commerce and Industry-Kochi, India .which received Application No 142 advertised on 31 Dec ,2009 in GI journal no 31 here . Chilies being a Spices falling in Class – 30 of classification of goods

Specification: a. The Guntur Sannam Chilli is belongs to Capsicum Annum variety which having long fruits (5 to 15 cms. in length) and diameter ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 cms (b) it has thick skin (C) .It is hot and pungent with average pungency of 35,000 to 40,000 Scoville heat units (SHU). (D)The Chilli is red with ASTA color of about 32.11.(e)The content of Capsaicin in Guntur Sannam Chilli is about 0.226% and it is also rich in Vitamin C (185 mg/100g.) and Protein (11.98g/100g). (f) It is known to trade as S4 type Chilli, and is mainly used for its pungency and for the extraction and derivation of capsaicin.

The Guntur Sannam Chilli is cultivated, processed and made available mainly from Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. It is also grown in neighboring districts as Prakasam, Warangal and Khammam. India stands first in the production of Chilli, Andhra Pradesh leads in its production by commanding 46% of the Chilli production in India.

Guntur Sannam Chilli requires a warm and humid climate for its growth and dry weather during period of maturation. The crop can be grown in altitude up to 2100m. Black soils with pH 6 to 7 which retain moisture for longer periods are suitable for rain fed crop whereas well drained chalka soils, deltaic soils and sandy loamy soils are good under irrigated conditions.

Proof of Origin: It is well known as a commercial crop used as a condiment, culinary supplement or as a vegetable. Among the spices consumed per head in India, dried Chilies contribute a major share. Chilli was known to Indians about 400 years ago. Globally, foreseeing the potential for Chilli production in this region, the Govt. of Andra Pradesh started a Regional Research Station at LAM near Guntur three decades ago which works on research aspects of Chilli as well. Guntur has been associated with Chilies for long decades and hence the prefix Guntur for the name of this Chilli is justified. At present, Chilli has become one of the most important cash crops and thousands of people directly depend on the cultivation of this spice for their livelihood.

Uniqueness: The Guntur Sannam chilly is generally known to trade as S4 type chili, and is mainly used for its pungency due to capsaicin which is used as chemical ingredient in many pain balms, liniments, carminative tonics, etc. Chilies act as antioxidants that fight cholesterol, diabetes, cataract, Ostia and rheumatoid arthritis and they even burn calories. A chili poultice will heal sores even in an ulcerated stomach. Right amount of Chilies are good for kidneys, spleen and pancreas, wonderful for Lock-jaw.

Chilies are an excellent source of vitamins B, C and pro-vitamins A (Carotene) in fresh stage. They contain seven times more Vitamin C than an orange.

Sources: GI journal

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