After completion of three years since the initiation of PVP Registrations in India, more than 1908 applications have been filed till date, out of which 673 applications fall under the category of New Plant Varieties, 1180 under Extant Notified Varieties and 55 under Farmers Variety. This data reveals fairly good number of filings till date, also the number filings are increasing per annum. In the year 2010, till August 31,total 253 applications have been filed, out of which maximum 201 applications have been filed under the category of New Plant Varieties followed by 47 (Extant Variety), 4 (Farmers Variety) and 1 (Essentially Derived Varieties). As far as crops are concerned, maximum filings have been done for commercial crops such as Maize, Cotton, Pearl millet, Rice and Bread Wheat.
If you give an eye to the Plant Variety Journals (PVJ’S), you will be noticing a huge gap between the number of applications filed i.e. 1908 (Till 2010) and number of applications published i.e. 626 (Till Jan, 2011), this gap shows that the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Right Authority (PPV and FRA) is lagging behind in terms of scrutiny of applications. The load of applications will only increase in future and that too with an immensely higher rate , if they are having backlog with such a small number of applications, I am afraid how they will be handling the future load. I therefore suggest that PPV and FR Authority should take some serious steps to strategise their future actions and plans regarding this issue and should enhance their capabilities in terms of manpower and other resources.
If you give an eye to the Plant Variety Journals (PVJ’S), you will be noticing a huge gap between the number of applications filed i.e. 1908 (Till 2010) and number of applications published i.e. 626 (Till Jan, 2011), this gap shows that the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Right Authority (PPV and FRA) is lagging behind in terms of scrutiny of applications. The load of applications will only increase in future and that too with an immensely higher rate , if they are having backlog with such a small number of applications, I am afraid how they will be handling the future load. I therefore suggest that PPV and FR Authority should take some serious steps to strategise their future actions and plans regarding this issue and should enhance their capabilities in terms of manpower and other resources.
Only few companies has shown the interest in filing.The gap in filing may be due to lack of awareness also. .Second one, the fees starting from filing to till registration is very high.So,Authority should look in to this matter also.
As the head office of Authority is Delhi, which is only appropriate office for all the proceeding.Under the rule 4,Authority may establish branch offices ,as the case may be, within territorial limits. This will help in to reduce the workload on the Authority and subsequently can bring speed in the proceedings.
The application for EDV is filed by Vibha Agrotech Limited for Tetraploid Cotton. The denomination of the EDV is VICH-5 BG II.
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