Dear Readers, I would like to draw your attention towards the manner in which the PPV&FR, Act is being implemented in our country. I with my team did an extensive research on the subject and thus, gave it the shape of a research paper or manuscript for an easy understanding of the same. The full article can be accessed from the attached link. The abstract is pasted here for your views and comments.
"The Indian Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights (PPV&FR) Act has now been a decade old and post PPV&FR implementation implications are now clearly visible. The shortcomings and inadequacies in the Act and the Rules are a matter of grave concern to the seed industry in particular and Indian agriculture in general and the inadequacies in the PPV&FR Act, Rules and implementation need to be addressed and resolved, by the Central Government and the PPV&FR Authority in order to meet the objectives enshrined in the Act. These inadequacies are seen in terms of slow-moving approach for database maintenance of existing varieties, notification of crop species eligible for registration, duration and effect of registration of extant notified varieties and varieties of common knowledge, ambiguity in parent line and hybrid registration under new variety and/or extant variety category, powers of the Registrar, advertisements published in Plant Variety (PV) Journals, registration of transgenic varieties, parent lines etc. This paper highlights the issues that need to be resolved to avoid misuse of the Act and thereby unwarranted litigations."
Rules are formulated by subject expertise but its implementation and use in common life again requires some new expertise who make a bridge between complex rule to simplified use. Manpreet and its work is one of them. I have warm wishies her.
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