Thursday, April 24, 2014

Crop species eligible for Registration-6th Phase

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 29 read with Section 14 of the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act, 2001 (53 of 2001), the Central Government has issued Gazette Notification S.O. 1093(E) dated April 16, 2014. In accordance with this notification, the following genera or species (not being extant varieties and farmers' varieties) are eligible for the purpose of registration under the said Act, namely:-

1.    Pomegranate
2.    Orchid- Gallon Lindl.
3.    Orchid- Phalaenopsis Blume
4.    Eucalyptus
5.    Casurina
6.    Bitter Gourd
7.    Bottel Gourd
8.    Cucumber
9.    Pumpkin
10. Barley
11. Coriander
12. Fenugreek
13. Almond
14. Apple
15. Pear
16. Apricot
17. Cherry
18. Walnut
19. Grapes
20. Indian jujube (Ber)

With this notification, 77 Crop species  have been notified for registration. Interested parties can read these DUS guidelines for a specific crop (here) and act accordingly.

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